Children are exposed to a plethora of different media throughout their lives. They see and use a lot of different media in the most crucial moments in their lives, when their brain and body is developing. We have all lived with television, radio, magazines, newspapers and many more portals of media communication, but what about the newer age of technology, mostly video games. This can focus solely on this brief definition that I like to call video game literacy. Video game literacy can be described as the understanding and comprehending information about video games. Using this definition, you can ask yourself these three questions so you can understand and comprehend them a little bit easier. One, how do video games affect the brain and its development? Two, what are some of the benefits and consequences of using and playing video games? Third, what can I do to educate myself of the content of the game?
Once you understand which question you want to ask, the next step is learning how this can help you and your child. It is best to understand what brain development stage your child is in because it helps you decide what type of learning he/she could be using. The child’s brain develops continuously from birth to and past young adult, but birth to young adult is very crucial brain development moments in the individuals’ life. Once you understand what stage your child, or you, is at in life, you are going to be able to understand how using video games will affect you or your child. Of course there are positive and negative outcomes in everything that we do in life, using and playing video games is no exception. If you understand yourself, you will be able to clarify how they may or may not affect you. Now that you are getting a good understanding about yourself and your brain, or your child and his/her brain, it is now time to educate yourself to comprehend what is being played. Comprehending the content of the video game and learning about it and the rating system will help you realize if this is the best item for you or your child to be viewing.
I have explained the different topics and their relationship with each other, now I will tell you why I have organized them in this way. I feel that you need to understand you or the individual that is being using the video game media. If you understand how their or your personality is, the easier you will be able to see if it is the right moment for them to be playing that type of specific content. Learning about what you or your child is taking in could affect them later in life for better or for worse. The three topics; brain development, effects of the video games, and the education; are very important, not only in the video game media, but also in all the media that we are taking in today.
Once you understand which question you want to ask, the next step is learning how this can help you and your child. It is best to understand what brain development stage your child is in because it helps you decide what type of learning he/she could be using. The child’s brain develops continuously from birth to and past young adult, but birth to young adult is very crucial brain development moments in the individuals’ life. Once you understand what stage your child, or you, is at in life, you are going to be able to understand how using video games will affect you or your child. Of course there are positive and negative outcomes in everything that we do in life, using and playing video games is no exception. If you understand yourself, you will be able to clarify how they may or may not affect you. Now that you are getting a good understanding about yourself and your brain, or your child and his/her brain, it is now time to educate yourself to comprehend what is being played. Comprehending the content of the video game and learning about it and the rating system will help you realize if this is the best item for you or your child to be viewing.
I have explained the different topics and their relationship with each other, now I will tell you why I have organized them in this way. I feel that you need to understand you or the individual that is being using the video game media. If you understand how their or your personality is, the easier you will be able to see if it is the right moment for them to be playing that type of specific content. Learning about what you or your child is taking in could affect them later in life for better or for worse. The three topics; brain development, effects of the video games, and the education; are very important, not only in the video game media, but also in all the media that we are taking in today.
What interested me
I chose this topic to do for my research project because I have been playin gvideo games since I was little. My boyfriend, my friends and my family all spend a good time playing various types of video games by ourself or together as a family. My nine year old sister has recently built an interest in playing video games and as a concerened older sister, I wanted to know how this would affect her.
I am a university student interested in how video games affect individuals; this website has been developed as a course assignment for Health Communication Course.